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01-12-2019 09:27
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26-11-2019 08:01
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24-11-2019 10:28
(Obrigado Professora Oprah. Você é excelente (em Português) )
Hello teacher Oprah
Hi people my Brazil

My class today was with a great teacher from the QQEnglish team. Her name is Oprah.
Oprah is an English teacher, she has a lot of experience. She is polite, calm, didactic and teaches a very fun class.
Teacher Oprah has a good pronunciation and shows that she likes to teach the English language.
Today I am happy because I learned so much from Professor Oprah. I made sentences and she corrected them willingly.
Professor Oprah will always be well remembered on my list of favorite teachers. I will always try to take classes with her, because I really like her classes and I learn a lot from her instructions.
Thank you Professor Oprah for your wonderful class. I will always tell my friends in Brazil: Professor Oprah is excellent at teaching online. Diniz
24-11-2019 08:10
Hello teacher Oprah
Hi people my Brazil

My class today was with a great teacher from the QQEnglish team. Her name is Oprah.
Oprah is an English teacher, she has a lot of experience. She is polite, calm, didactic and teaches a very fun class.
Teacher Oprah has a good pronunciation and shows that she likes to teach the English language.
Today I am happy because I learned so much from Professor Oprah. I made sentences and she corrected them willingly.
Professor Oprah will always be well remembered on my list of favorite teachers. I will always try to take classes with her, because I really like her classes and I learn a lot from her instructions.
Thank you Professor Oprah for your wonderful class. I will always tell my friends in Brazil: Professor Oprah is excellent at teaching online. Diniz
21-11-2019 20:02
Very good teacher.
18-11-2019 08:40
Hi Teacher Oprah, good night
Hello e everyoneall from Brazil

I took a class with one of the famous QQEnglish staff teacher.
The name of this teacher is Oprah.
She is excellent, polite and teaches very well.
Your classes are very fruitful fun. Today I learned a lot from her.
I made many sentences and she corrected them with a very good will. Oprah did a very flexible class.
The teacher Oprah has a lot of ability to teach English online. That's why she is my favorite and is in my realization of good teachers.
Thanks teacher Oprah for this wonderful and fun lesson. Good night. Diniz
17-11-2019 10:29
Hello Oprah

I took class with teacher Oprah. She is an excellent teacher of the QQEnglish team.
Calm, flexible didactic, educated are these the main skills of the teacher Oprah.
I have it in my list of favorite teachers to teach me the English language.
The teacher's class Oprah is fun and very productive. It's a smart class, it's good to watch. It makes our soul happy.
Thank you teacher Oprah for your magnificent class. Diniz
11-09-2019 07:56
(This user has no text comment.)
28-07-2019 11:04
My class today was very fruitful. The teacher is one of the best in QQEnglish.
She loves to teach. His name is Oprah
She starts class showing the use of polite expressions. I learn a lot in your classes.
Your calm, education, teaching skills help me a lot and make the class a lot of fun.
Oprah is one of my favorites in the famous QQE Course.
I always recommend She to my colleagues from Brazil. Taking class with Oprah is practicing quality English in a very enjoyable class. Thank Teacher Oprah for your good class. Diniz

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