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08-09-2019 11:30
Good night teacher Kenya
Hello everyone, hi my friends from Brazilia
Kenya is an excellent teacher.
In her profile she says "
Hi! I'm the Kenya teacher from QQ English. "
"So, come and learn the English language and speak like a native speaker."
Kenya has a good didactic. She is patient. Kenya is calm.
Your class is extremely enjoyble. My colleagues here in Brazil hbow this.
I feel comfortable in your classes. I learn a lot from her.
She teaches a class with demonstration of goodwill. She is demanding more polite.
I have done many classes with teacher Kenya. Her classe makes me happy.
I Thank a teacher Kenya once again for this wonderful class. Diniz
08-09-2019 11:28
Hello everyone, hi my friends
Kenya is an excellent teacher.
In her profile she says "
Hi! I'm the Kenya teacher from QQ English. "
"So, come and learn the English language and speak like a native speaker."
Kenya has a good didactic. She is patient. Kenya is calm.
Your class is extremely enjoyble. My colleagues here in Brazil hbow this.
I feel comfortable in your classes. I learn a lot from her.
She teaches a class with demonstration of goodwill. She is demanding more polite.
I have done many classes with teacher Kenya. Her classe makes me happy.
I Thank a teacher Kenya once again for this wonderful class. Diniz
06-09-2019 09:43
Hello teacher Kenya

Today's class was excellent. The teacher Kenya was patient and didactic.
She is my favorite because she is careful in teaching English pronunciation.

I had a lot of difficulties but she taught me well and with a lot of education.
My colleagues in Brasilia know that the teacher Kenya is excellent so she is part of the select QQEnglish team.
I was happy with today's class because I learned so much from the teacher Kenya. She was very didactic and patient with me.
Thank you teacher Kenya for the excellence of your class today. Diniz
05-09-2019 09:26
Hello Teacher Kenya, hi everyone

My class today was an excellent QQEnglish teacher. I did a lesson on phonetic sounds with the teacher Kenya.
She was calm, intelligent, didactic and well followed the rules of QQEnglish.
I learned a lot because the teacher Kenya is excellent I always tell my friends in Brazil that teacher is excellent.
The class was fun and very sweet. Kenya knows how to teach an online class well.
Our class today was about English-language phonetic sounds and she made the class fun and skillful.
Thank teacher Kenya for your wonderful class today. Diniz
04-09-2019 09:34
Hello Teracher Kenya, hi everyone

Your class today was excellently learned a lot.
You have done a wonderful and very fruitful class.
Thanks again for the enjoyable class today.
You are a good QQEnglish teacher model and have done a class well within the online class standards. Thank you Diniz
03-09-2019 08:43
Hello Cebu, hi my English teacher Kenya

My class today was with teacher Kenya. She is an excellent QQenglish teacher.
She is calm didactic and very polite.
Kenya takes a class following QQenglish rules.
She is strict but patient and polite.
She is one of my favorites in teaching English and I always tell my friends that teacher Kenya is excellent
  Our lesson today on letter Z sounds was wonderful and a lot of fun.
I was happy for another good class from Kenya teacher.
Thank you and tomorrow we will have another class at 8:30. Thank you Diniz
02-09-2019 09:03
Hello Teacher Kenya
Today's class was very good and I learned a lot. The class was with the teacher Kenya.
She is calm demanding but very polite.
Kenya followed the rules of QQEnglish well. To my friends I will always say that the teacher Kenya is very good.
Our class was very fruitful, I learned a lot of words.
The teacher answered my questions with a lot of didactics. Thanks Teacher Kenya for your great class. Diniz
Rodrigo Mello
28-07-2019 07:49
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24-05-2019 12:59
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24-05-2019 12:59
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